Saturday, March 1, 2008

And the wait continues...

(Sarah) We finally got the notification that the bank has multiple offers and has asked for our "best and highest" offer. I wish it was like eBay where I could pick a maximum I am willing to pay, but I only get charged one increment above the next highest offer - like if I am willing to pay $50 and the next highest is $40, I only pay $41 not the whole $50 I am willing to pay... I am trying so hard to guess what my competition will offer and I don't want to leave money on the table, but I also don't want to lose!! Dang competitive streak... Oh and I am closing on my current house on March 17th so we need to get into a new place SOON!

And I am sick too. I guess my immune system wanted me to spend a day on the couch and in bed. I read the rest of the newest John Grisham book - The Appeal. It was really good and the ending was not what I was expecting - which is rare with Johnny... The first half was a little slow, but once I got to the middle I couldn't stop reading! So the day was not a complete loss ;)

Eric is at the Avalanche game with some of my favorite people so I am a little sad being home sick with the dogs. I should pack. Naaa, I will just play on the internet and watch the Family Feud on GSN.


Unknown said...

Yeah for lazy days on the couch!

Anonymous said...

ditto to laura! good luck with the house!!

Unknown said...

Uggh! And the wait still continues. I keep checking back for some resolution.