Thursday, February 28, 2008

AHH! We are into a bidding war!!

(Sarah) Since the bank has been so slow getting back to me, the house we made an offer on now has another offer!

The bank is going to ask for our best offer tomorrow morning we are pretty sure... Now I have to figure out how much I am willing to pay...


Laura S said...

Uggh, frustration. I hope it goes your way. glad you joined the world of bloggers!

Connors in Doha said...

Hi Sarah,
It's been awhile but I was excited to come across your blog. Looks like things are going well - good time to buy a house too. We're trying to find a cheap house to purchase in the Denver area to rent out - we haven't been too succesful yet so hopefully your luck is better. Your dog is really cut too! Good Luck
- Mariah

Anonymous said...

SARAH!!! didn't know you and eric had a blog!!! how are you???