Thursday, March 20, 2008

No Longer a Homeowner...

Well, we are officially out of the house on Yarrow. Yay!! I still haven't heard a thing from the bank on the inspection objection items and have no idea when I will. I need to take deep breaths and remember to have patience!! Our goal is to close by the end of the month, but I am not holding my breath on that one... Every day without a mortgage is a day I save $$!!

On a different note, I am kinda mad at the post office right now... I tried to get a PO box today for mail since I don't really want to forward mail twice in a month and my living quarters are kinda up in the air... I ran into lots of problems. First, you need to have 2 forms on ID - sounds easy but it has to be a Driver License and either car insurance or car registration with an address or a passport. Well guess what - I don't have car registration or insurance in my name (it is all in the company name) so I have to dig up my passport somewhere. I sure hope it isn't in a storage pod!! Then, they need to verify my mailing address. HELLOOO - I want a PO box because I don't have a stable mailing address. Argh. I guess I'll give them Yarrow St since it matches my ID and hope they don't really check?? Or get a new DL just so I can get a PO box?? That sounds hard. What would someone do if they didn't have a car or a passport??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ugggh! I have been checking everyday to see if you got the house.