This is a little good news / bad news story...
The other day I was at work thinking to myself that I didn't really like the shoes I was wearing and I wanted a new pair. But I didn't think I should spend money on shoes right now when I have a house sucking all of my money. Anyway, less than 24 hours later, they looked like this:
This happened in the 15 minutes I was in the shower! Those puppy teeth are sharp and right after being spayed, I really didn't think she had this much destruction in her... I remembered a conversation I had with Tanya about a great shoe store on Broadway (Thanks Tanya!) so I headed over there and found these new shoes:
Surprisingly enough, I didn't have my eyes on Maggie one other morning last week and she also ruined my brown sandals, so I replaced them too!!This is what we need to do with her to keep her from ruining things:
Just kidding - this is from when she was helping us pack ;)
In house news, we racked and sucked up 11 bags of junk from the house on Sunday. My arms are aching but it looks a whole lot better - still more to do of course! Then Suzie and Mike made a chicken dinner for us which was wonderful!! Especially because we were too dirty for a restaurant and too tired to cook. THANKS neighbors!!
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